White Collar Criminal Defense
White Collar Criminal Defense
Financial and Economic Crimes
The forensic accountants and fraud examiners of GFAS have often been retained by Defense Counsel on behalf of those charged with financial and economic crimes. Our firm is ideally suited for these types of assignments given our fraud examination backgrounds and having in-house tax accountants.
Our retention is often used to:
• Examine and rebut findings of government financial analysts and auditors
• Determine actual damages for purposes of U.S. Sentencing Guidelines
• Prepare and/or amend income tax returns to properly reflect all sources of income, as well as, determining appropriate deductions
• Correct previous accountings for unintentional, as well as, intentional misstatements
The following is a representative sample of assignments performed by GFAS:
Native American Health Organization v. Indian Health Services, a Federal Agency
Retained as a consulting Expert on behalf of a tribal owned health organization to rebut fraud and mismanagement allegations made by another forensic accounting firm and representatives of the Indian Health Services that would have resulted in termination of a funding contract by the Federal Government. Judge ruled in favor of client restoring funding to the Organization. Assisted defense counsel in rebutting a potential criminal indictment, as well as, defeating a Qui Tam claim. Tribe satisfactorily settled a civil damage filing against IHS for a significant sum.
USA v. an Individual
Retained by client’s defense team to rebut allegations of mortgage fraud and unreported income brought by the USA. Analysis found government’s expert had significantly overstated “unreported” income of the Defendant. Report, analyses and findings used by legal defense team in obtaining a minimal sentence of time served consisting of one day for the client who accepted a plea arrangement.
USA v. an Individual
Retained by defense counsel to rebut allegations of money laundering and tax evasion by an alleged high-ranking drug cartel member. Report of findings and analyses led to USA dropping money laundering and tax evasion charges in the criminal complaint against the Defendant.
USA v. an Individual
Retained by defense counsel for a contractor who became a cooperating witness in the prosecution of a former state Governor. Reviewed construction billings and costs for over 30 construction contracts to determine occurrences of alleged overbilling by contractor. Report was used to pay restitution to overbilled victims and was accepted by USA.
USA v. an Individual
Retained by defense counsel on behalf of real estate developer convicted of bribing a high-profile City official for favorable zoning. Report and analysis were used in obtaining a lesser prison sentence based on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines for Defendant.
USA v. an Individual
Retained by defense counsel for corporate executive convicted of bribing a Federal Procurement Officer. Worked with Internal Revenue Service representatives in obtaining an innocent spouse claim for defendant’s spouse and a favorable payment plan for Federal Tax obligations related to matter.
Internal Revenue Service Audit/Criminal Investigations Division
Retained by defense counsel on behalf of an owner of a large salvage yard wherein Internal Revenue Service agents and criminal investigators alleged that owner fraudulently underreported his business income. Our forensic analysis discovered significant allowable deductions and credits that had not been applied to the income tax returns and “double counting” of income by the IRS Revenue Agent. This resulted in IRS dropping claim of income tax fraud and a reduction of underpaid tax by more than 75%.
For more information or assistance, please contact Craig Greene.

Regulatory Investigations

Data Mining & Forensic Computer Examination
Expert Forensic Accounting Services
Chicago | Las Vegas

Insurance Claims
Accounting Investigations
Mergers & Acquisitions
Due Diligence Reviews
Dispute Advisory Services
Special Examinations
Contract Audits and Recoveries
Expert Witness Testimony
Commercial Damages
Shareholder/Partner Disputes
Bankruptcy and Insolvency
CPA Malpractice Claims
Contract Disputes
Estate and Trust Disputes
Data Mining & Electronic Discovery